Wednesday 15 May 2019

Ramadhan 2019


I abandoned this space for ages. What's cooking guys!? 

Just a quick update. My beloved mom passed away last 2 years and I have lost my dear sister last year. No word to describe the pain. People would say be strong Hani, yang hidup pasti pergi itu janji Allah. True it is an undeniable fact. Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun ...

I love both mom and sister. I never stop praying for them. 

Okey! Selamat berpuasa 2019 semoga sihat dan kuat menjalani ibadah ini. Semoga ibadah kita diberkati oleh Allah SWT. Insya'allah.

xoxo Ms Pearl!

My baby girl pun dah besar panjang.